Briefly about Wannsee

The discussion forum Briefly about Wannsee, held at the mayor’s residence on 20 January 2022, looked back on the “routine working meeting” of fifteen members of the SS regarding the logistics of the Nazis’ “final solution to the Jewish question.”

The invited guests addressed two universal questions:
In your view, what is the fundamental legacy of the Wannsee Conference?
What can we learn from the conference’s course, outcome, and fundamental essence in order to understand today’s globalized world?

The following speakers accepted our invitation:
Petr Fischer, Fedor Gál, Pavel Kosatík, Petr Koura, Petr Pithart, Jakub Rákosník, Karol Sidon, Jakub Szantó.

More information about the event is available HERE.

The publication Briefly about Wannsee containing all the speakers’ presentations can be downloaded HERE.

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