Exhibition: Prague, The City of Eugenic Minds

Nov. 8 – Dec. 14, 2014

The exhibition EUGENIC MINDS comprised of a documentary by Pavel Štingl, animations and paintings by Xenie Hoffmeisterová, and literary artwork by Patrik Ouředník.


More information about the exhibition

Eugenic MindsIn 2013 an animated documentary called Eugenic Minds was produced by a Czech independent production (http://www.eugeniove.cz/en). Director Pavel Štingl initiated cooperation between artists and animators in order to help find the parable to new findings of historians that look more like sci-fi than archival authenticity. Thus a documentary essay about the evolution of biological sciences of the first half of the 20th century was created.

Since its beginning, the entire project has had one main goal – to offer timeless meditation upon the abuse of the human pinnacles of science and education. Secondly comes the question of academic careerism, which under totalitarian regimes reaches self-destructive proportions. From this, we naturally move to discussing the definition of science and the situation when learning becomes a pseudo-science. In the third place comes the use of historical sources regarding the dominant theme of the first half of the 20th century, centered on the Nazi era. Nazism here is not only an inexhaustible fount of drama from the time when the value of human being or not being was seriously deformed, but it also provides examples of propaganda capable of visualizing a subject in an unprecedented manner.

The project is coordinated by the Shoah Memorial Prague that is preparing the launch of the Holocaust Memorial in the Czech Republic.

The Exhibition Eugenic Minds was the first presentation of the NGO abroad.

{gallery}Katzen Arts Center{/gallery}

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