Drumming for Bubny is coming soon

The previous events and forthcoming rich program at Bubny station and its surroundings is primarily the build-up to DRUMMING FOR BUBNY 2017 on 16 October. This year’s public happening against the passivity of the majority who watched on in silence will
take on even greater momentum with the participation of Slet bubeníků/Gathering of Drummers, led by Pavel Fajt. Tickets for the event can be purchased at Ticketpro.

The launching ceremony of a new radio station, BUBNY STATION, opened a new dialogue from the place of memory. This will be broadcast over the airwaves on radio, the internet and social networks, as well as directly from the stages close to the train station.

The launching ceremony on the evening of 21 September was attended by honorable guests such as writer Jiří Stránský, Vladimír 518, Šimon Ornest and others. You can find a summary of their comments on the relativity of political promises on the czech version of our website Stanice Bubny and on social networks too.

Don’t forget to support the Memorial by purchasing one or more drums through our new project on Hithit!

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