Richard Homola
The Testimony of the Terezín Wall

Technical information on the exhibition:
Format: B2–B1
(500 × 707 – 707 × 1000)
12–20 upright panels
Documents for printing in PDF format

Language versions: Czech, English, German
Educational program
Also included are PR materials in the form of an exhibition poster and invitation.
Actual scope and format to be specified according to the exhibitor’s possibilities.

Contact: produkce@pamatnik-obnova-zalohy

Richard Homola (1966) is an original representative of Czech photography. Despite the fact that he is essentially an amateur, he has spent several decades creating remarkable photographic cycles using the classical large-format technology of film sheets exposed using a wooden bellows camera. He has spent several years photographing the subtle motifs that he discovered on the walls of the Terezín Ghetto and on the wooden beams of the former ghetto houses. 

In 2021, these photographs were acquired by the collection of the Memorial of Silence. A selection from the nearly five hundred images recalls the mysteries of the closed city, filled with people waiting to die – a personal testimony from a place without hope.

The exhibition includes a documentary film about Richard Homola showing the creation of his photographic series at the Terezín Ghetto. 

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