The Second Life of Vendulka V.
Traveling exhibition
Sunday, 28 November, 6 p.m.The Light for Victory: Kindling the first Hanukkah light in front of the Bubny train station
12 October 2021 With the opening of the exhibition of photographs by Pavel Dias, the Memorial of Silence continues its
16 October 2021The regular Drumming for Bubny event took place, as every year, on the anniversary of the first Prague
John Hannah, who was the first visitor to the exhibition of photos by Pavel Dias, came to Prague to attend
Saturday 16 Oct, 5 p.m. Every year, we have played drums in front of the Prague-Bubny train station in commemoration
The Memorial of Silence is pleased to invite you to a musical performance of Iva Bittová that will take place
Uběhl rok od slavnostní chvíle, kdy Bennewitzovo kvarteto rozeznělo Velkou dvoranu Veletržního paláce důstojnou vzpomínkou na události spojené s vyhubením