Book launch
Sedmý závoj: Listy z jednoho století

27 June at 5pm

Station Hall

The Memorial of Silence hosted the launch and presentation of František R. Kraus’s new book The Seventh Veil: Pages from One Century, the third title by the author to be published by the Cattacan publishing house.

Cattacan previously published two successful titles by Kraus: Povídky ze svrabové čtvrti (Tales from the Mangy Quarter) and A přiveď zpět naše roztroušené (And Bring Back Our Scattered Ones).

This newest volume of writings by the Prague-born Czech-writing Jewish author and journalist contains eleven short stories associated with the Holocaust. Like its two predecessors, the book is illustrated by the academic painter Ivan Bukovský, the son of the author’s long-time friend and fellow inmate at Terezín.

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