Dark February

23 February 2023 at 3pm

Mayor’s Residence, Mariánské nám. 98/1, Prague 1

Press release

2nd Memorial of Silence Opinion Forum
Important personalities present brief (no more than seven-minute) reflections with timeless meaning.

Our current topic:
Stereotypes as a basic tool of manipulation and disinformation campaigns.

The meeting will look at two important February anniversaries:
24 February – one year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
25 February – 75 years since the communist putsch in Czechoslovakia.

Our goal is to focus on historical dates that can stimulate public dialogue, to offer a venue for the views of interesting personalities, and to remember the past while exploring parallels to the present.

The following speakers have accepted our invitation: Petr PithartTomáš HalíkAlice KoubováMichael RomancovPetr FischerIvana SvobodováJan Urban či Ladislav Snopko.

Basic questions for our guests:
Do these two events, separated by three quarters of a century, have anything in common with today’s disinformation war? 
What patterns of disinformation do they share? What stereotypes do they work with? And how are they expressed by different generations?
Are stereotypes and their identification key to society’s self-defense against media manipulation?
Which easily abused prejudice do you fear most today?

Moderators: Renata Kalenská and Jan Bumba.

The opinion forum can be watched as a stream on Czech Television and on ČT24 or as a recording on Czech Television’s iBroadcast.


For those interested in the Memorial of Silence’s last discussion forum, Briefly on Wannsee, we offer a publication summarizing the discussion and a link to Czech Television’s live broadcast of the event: https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/14735698443-strucne-o-wannsee/

The event is held under the auspices of the Mayor of Prague.

The main media partner is Czech Television. Other partners are the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, Prague 7 Municipal District, and the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art.

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