Concert for the Theresienstadt family concentration camp
The first wave of genocide in the so called Theresienstadt family camp BIIb in Birkenau on the night of 8th to 9th March 1944, marked the end of the false hope given to Jewish families who were being deported there since September 1943. The rest of the families were then murdered and the camp closed down between 10th and 12th July 1944.
Due to the coronavirus pandemics, the concert planned for the March anniversary this year was cancelled. In its stead, The Bubny Memorial of Silence has prepared a remembrance event for the anniversary of the second wave of liquidation.
Tuesday 14th July 2020
17:30h : We will begin with a prelude at the former Radiotrh, the meeting point for Jewish transports (by the commemorative plaque next to Mama Shelter Prague hotel)
18:00h : We will walk together to The Great Hall of Veletržní Palace where you can also see the exhibition of Jan Lukas photos with texts from Ondrej Kundra „The second life of Vendulka V“.
18:30h : The Bennewitz quartet concert
Free entry