Remembrance of BIIb

8 March 2022

site-specific dokument online

Unique graffiti, music and theatre are part of this year’s traditional commemorative event, Remembrance of BIIb (the name for the Auschwitz block where the so-called Terezín family concentration camp was located), dedicated to the biggest single genocide of Czechoslovak citizens in the history of the country. This year, we commemorate the extermination of the family concentration camp by premiering a site-specific documentary filmed in the premises of the Bubny railway station, on the platform of which a substantial part of the family concentration camp prisoners began their wartime anabasis.

Photo: Bára Lockefeer

The historical parallel that exists today with the Nazi propaganda which preceded the Munich failure of Western diplomacy giving way to Hitler in 1938 is a serious stigma in early 2022.

The seven-minute documentary can be found here and on the Facebook profile of Memorial of Silence.

It features a chamber music concert, staged on the platform of the Bubny railway station, with musical arrangement combining several cultural activities at this site of memory – two Hasidic dances by Zikmund Schul as well a fragment of the prelude from Johann Sebastian Bach’s third suite in C major, performed by cellist Michal Kaňka and violinist Jan Schulmeister.

Against the backdrop of the musical performance set in contemporary railway traffic, the old railway station pulsates with the atmosphere of a theatrical rehearsal, where students of the Přírodní Škola Grammar School (Natural School) prepare a production in the departure hall based on an authentic memoir by Petr Ginz – a poet, artist and editor of a children’s magazine from Terezín called “Vedem” (We Lead).

Along with the musicians in the documentary, the platform of the Bubny railway station hosts artists who create unique thematic graffiti inspired by the memories of Dita Krausová. It was designed and spray-painted onto the stage area for the Memorial of Silence gallery by students of the Přírodní škola Grammar School Prokop Císler, Ondřej Fábra, Ondřej Martínek and Marek Mošnička.

Concert for BIIb

Small Hall of the Trade Fair Palace

On Tuesday, 12 July at 7 p.m., there will be a concert performance by mezzo-soprano Dagmar Pecková dedicated to the memory of the so-called Terezín family concentration camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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